# Link

Navigates to a URL when clicked

# Usage

  <winui-link href="https://win7ui.visnalize.com/" text="Win7 UI" />

# Props


The Link component inherits all attributes and events from <a> (opens new window), or if href is missing, inherits from <button> (opens new window)

# href optional

  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

The URL to navigate to when the link is clicked. If href is missing, the component will render as a button.

# text optional

  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

The text to display in the link.

# icon optional

  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

The icon image to display with the link. Use the Icon component to render.

# Customization

Use the class name .winui-link to override/customize the component's styles.

# Examples

# Rendering as a button with icon


# Using slot for text

    <h4>Visit Visnalize</h4>