# Checkbox

Represents an independent or non-exclusive choice

# Usage

  <winui-checkbox id="check_demo">Tick me!</winui-checkbox>

# Props

# id required

  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

The id of the checkbox. Required to bind the label to the input, must be unique in the whole page.

# name optional

  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

The name of the checkbox. Only needed to bind the checkbox to a form.

# value optional

  • Type: number | string | boolean
  • Default: undefined

The value of the checkbox. This is the value that will be returned when the checkbox is checked.

# disabled optional

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: undefined

The checkbox state. If true, the checkbox will be disabled.

# Customization

Use the class name .winui-checkbox to override/customize the component's styles.

# Examples

# Disabled state

  <winui-checkbox id="check_disabled" disabled>
    Disabled checkbox

# Handling two-way binding

  <winui-checkbox id="check_binding" v-model="isChecked">
    This check box is {{ isChecked ? "checked" : "unchecked" }}

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      isChecked: false,