# Button

Performs an action when clicked

# Usage

  <winui-button @click="handleClick">Click me!</winui-button>

export default {
  methods: {
    handleClick() {
      alert("Hello, world!");

# Props


The Button component inherits all attributes and events from <button> (opens new window)

# Customization

Use the class name .winui-button to override/customize the component's styles.

There is also a default state available with the button that you can use by adding the class .default to the button.

# Examples

# Disabled state

  <winui-button disabled>You can't click me!</winui-button>

# Default state

  <winui-button class="default">Default button</winui-button>

# Handling the hover state

    <winui-button @mouseover="handleMouseover" @mouseout="handleMouseout">
      Hover me!
    <span>{{ isHovered ? "Xin chΓ o" : "Hello" }}</span>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      isHovered: false,
  methods: {
    handleMouseover() {
      this.isHovered = true;
    handleMouseout() {
      this.isHovered = false;